Frequently Asked Questions

Why did leaders of Stanford Biodesign and Fogarty Innovation start DxD HealthTech?

In 2019, Stanford Biodesign and Fogarty Innovation, together with medtech executive Maria Sainz, convened  a summit to explore gender diversity in health technology innovation. In parallel, they conducted an industry survey to better understand leadership representation and perceptions of workplace equality, job satisfaction, and work life balance. These two efforts identified numerous inequalities in the workplace that negatively affect women’s experiences and have the potential to negatively impact retention in the field. The summit, and resulting interest in ways to address these issues, led to the creation of Diversity by Doing HealthTech in 2020. The action-oriented initiative was founded to develop and share real world solutions that could help improve diversity in health technology.

DxD HealthTech initially focused on gender, then expanded its efforts to encompass race and other dimensions of human diversity.



Why is diversity in healthtech essential?

Diversity across multiple dimensions, including gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, and socioeconomic backgrounds, provides a breadth of perspectives that inspires creativity and helps  innovators understand and address healthcare needs for different patient populations. That same diversity is essential in testing new drugs and devices in order to determine their safety and efficacy for the heterogenous individuals who will use them.

Inequality can affect the healthtech industry at every step, and often in less visible ways like the availability of venture funding necessary for young companies to grow. A 2020 Deloitte VC Human Capital study found that African-American venture partners represent 3% of the total and Hispanic individuals just 4%. Investment dollars from these companies flow accordingly—just 1% went to Black-owned companies and 0.4% of Latinx female-owned companies.

How does DxD help companies address diversity gaps?

DxD tackles the lack of diversity by addressing issues along the entire pipeline, from students to executives. This includes raising awareness about career opportunities in healthcare, identifying diverse interns, providing mentorship and guidance, and creating supportive environments to reduce attrition.

What is speed mentoring?

Speed Mentoring is an event where early- to mid-career women and underrepresented minorities in health tech meet one-on-one with senior industry executives for short, impactful sessions. These events are designed to introduce participants to mentorship and help them build meaningful connections. Learn more or sign up to participate here.

Do speed mentors need to be women or people of color?

No. Mentors should have deep subject matter expertise, compassion, empathy and a commitment to creating meaningful connections. The most important quality is having the heart of a mentor.

What is the HealthTech Exploration Workshop and who can participate?

The HealthTech Exploration Workshop provides diverse college interns with mentorship, innovation training, and hands-on experience in the health tech industry. The workshop includes interactions with industry experts, career development sessions, and networking opportunities. Participating healthtech companies sponsor their interns’ participation in the program. Learn more about the HealthTech Exploration Workshop here.

What is the Pathways in Health Technology program, and who can participate?

The Pathways in Health Technology program is an opportunity for community college students, particularly those underrepresented in the field, such as women and minorities. The program includes project-based work, medtech education, and mindset training, with sessions held on eight weekends in the Bay Area during the winter and spring. It provides hands-on experience, mentorship, and financial support.

Learn more about the program and the requirements for participation here.

How can companies support DxD programs?

Companies can support DxD programs by becoming sponsors or affiliates. This involvement helps shape the future of the health tech industry and demonstrates a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn more here.

How can individuals support DxD's mission?

Individuals can support DxD’s mission by volunteering for panels and presentations, becoming a speed mentor, or offering opportunities for our participants to expand their networks and experiences. Of course, donating to DxD is also a great way to support our mission. Donate now.