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Andrea Rodriguez-CruzAndrea Rodriguez-Cruz participated in the DxD Healthtech Exploration Workshop, July 8-9, 2024, through her summer internship. Here, she shares the biggest insights she gained from the experienced healthtech professionals she met through the Speed Mentorship portion of the event.

I recently graduated from UC Merced with a management and business economics degree and a public health minor. I’ve never been sure what career or field I wanted to get into, but I’ve always known I wanted to be a part of something that helps people. As a Lefteroff Intern at Fogarty Innovation, I have had many opportunities to learn about the healthtech industry and everything a business person can do to contribute to the field, but one of my favorite opportunities was attending DxD’s Healthtech exploration program. The workshop was very insightful and inspiring. 

My favorite part of the workshop was speed mentoring; talking to professionals in the field, asking questions, and getting advice was helpful and empowering. My biggest takeaways from the mentors are: 

You have already proven you belong in the room

As a first-generation student, knowing if you’re doing things right or belong in a certain place or role can be daunting. My mentors let me know that is a normal feeling, but recognizing that you have worked hard and have made it through any hurdles life puts in your way is important. You’re already here; you have made it this far and must continue to make strides. 

Take any opportunity life gives you

Many mentors shared how their career trajectories changed. They embraced the change and took the opportunities that life gave them. Especially in an ever-evolving industry like healthtech, there are plenty of opportunities to grow and explore bits of different positions while in their roles. With every role they had, they got closer to their current job, a role they love and enjoy doing.

Embrace change

Most of the time, things in life don’t go as planned. Life happens, and any timeline we might have planned shifts or gets completely eviscerated. My mentors emphasized the importance of being flexible and open to change. Their paths changed; they didn’t like the career they thought they would, or they found something they loved and enjoyed more. I learned it is important to try new things and never put ourselves in a box. We need to be open to the opportunities life brings. 

The three mentors I met during the speed mentoring session -— Angela Frederickson, Gayle Kuokka, and Linda Lucian — reassured me during a period of career uncertainty. With newfound insights and confidence, I am eager to explore opportunities that align with my passions and aspirations.

To learn more about DxD’s Healthtech Exploration Workshop, or to have interns from your company participate in the future, click here

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